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This Girl Was Frozen In Sleep 500 Years Back, This is More Than Shocking


The mummy rests frozen in sleep at the High Country Archaeological Museum in Salta, Argentina. Scroll down for her pictures!
This is a mummy of an Inca girl who sits frozen since 500 years in a museum in Argentina.

Archaeologists carry the 500-year-old mummies of three Inca children down Argentina's Llullaillaco volcano in 1999. They were wrapped in layers of plastic, snow, and foam insulation to keep them cold and maintain their exquisite preservation.

The museum is displaying the mummy in a refrigerated, low-oxygen environment to reproduce the high-altitude conditions for it's natural preservation while the other two children remain for further study.

"The Best Preserved Mummy" called by National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Johan Reinhard.

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